Hi there!
We start school later than many of you, so as of September 8th, I've just finished my first week back. I wanted to post links to a few resources I found online that I used to get my room ready. I think you'll find them useful--I surely did!
Stuff I Did For Me:
I love to be prepared and have nicely organized "stuff" but I don't think I need to reinvent the wheel. There are so many teachers out there that have wonderful ideas for classroom organization that I'm constantly "Pinning." Even though I teach Middle School Art, I do not only look for solutions that art artroom- or middle school-exclusive. I think we can find inspiration anywhere! This year, though, I wanted to actually DO some of the ideas I "pinned," so here's what I have done so far:
Organizing Files: I really loved the
"30 Minute File Cabinet Makeoever" that I saw at
Kate's Science Classroom Cafe. I had all of my files from last year in hanging file folders, but they weren't easy to find and just weren't working for me--I tried her system and LOVE it!!
Detail from "30 Minute File Cabinet Makeover" from Kate's Science Classroom Cafe |
The To-Do List: I love post-it notes and use them constantly, but sometimes (ALL THE TIME) I misplace them or lose them.
This Fancy To-Do List Printable from
The Colorful Apple is a perfect idea that will keep my post-it To-Do's organized! I printed this form out, laminated it and have it as page one in my teacher binder (what I use as a calendar and plan book). Love it!!
Detail from The Colorful Apple |
My Plan Book and Calendar: Yeah, I'm not so good with remembering dates. I am notorious for showing up somewhere at the wrong time or or on the wrong day. But this year--It's going to be different!! I am also known for buying a planner, using it for approximately three months and then discarding it. Perhaps that is why I am horrible with dates and times....hmmmm....Anyhow! One of the teachers at school uses The Happy Planner and I found this
Teacher Edition at Michaels and knew I had to try it (I mean, it comes with stickers and everything!). I am SO HAPPY I did! I can actually use it as a plan book and it is so nice to be able to layout my plans for my art classes in an easy-to-see format. I also use this for my personal dates and reminders as well. I am happy to report I haven't missed an appointment yet (although it's only been a month!).
Detail of The Happy Planner, Teacher Edition |
My Toolbox: I love office supplies and when I am working I like to have what I need nearby. I saw online that teachers were making these teacher toolboxes and I knew that when I got my own classroom I would be making this ASAP! Last summer I made this and I loved it. It's right by my desk and I can reach it easily. I cannot live without it. It helps that is is SUPER cute thanks to
the printables from Teach Create Motivate at
Teacher Pay Teachers.
Detail from the Teacher Toolbox Printables From Teach Create Motivate |
Emergency Sub Plan (Notans): Planning for a sub is hard--especially if you (or your kids) are already sick. Last year, I had a pet emergency one morning and before I could take my cat to the emergency vet, I needed to go in and write emergency sub lessons--talk about stressful!! This year, I got smart! I found this
Notan Lesson from
Teach and Shoot and thought it would be perfect as an emergency sub lesson. So, I printed out her handouts (enough for every student in my four classes--in case I am out on a day when I see all four of the classes I teach), cut black paper squares and white paper (enough for all of said students to create this lesson) and took ALL of those things along with a copy of the directions I had laminated and placed EVERYTHING in a clear plastic tote labeled "Emergency Sub Lesson" and placed it in view near my desk. Glue sticks and scissors are always available in a prominent area of my classroom, so I didn't need to include those. WHEW, now I am ready in case of an emergency absence. I think this project could last two class period in my room.
Detail from the Notan Lesson From Teach and Shoot |
Easy Desk-top Paper Organization: This simple desk-top solution for
daily materials organization from
Juice Boxes and Crayolas seemed like a great idea to me. I usually use tagboard file folders for my papers that I need to copy and a desk-top bin for papers to file and another bin for papers to grade. This just seemed like what I was already doing, but more uniform. It seems to be better for me.
Detail from Juice Boxes and Crayolas |
Well, that's it for now! What did YOU for yourself to get ready for this school year? Post your ideas in the comments section below (with a link) so that we can be inspired!
Here's to a wonderful start to the new school year!