
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Little Visitor

Today I was journaling outside and enjoying the summer weather before it gets too hot. I love sitting on the back deck before the children get up! 

I looked up and saw this little visitor. Thankfully he was gracious enough to wait while I darted inside to grab my binoculars for a closer look. His ears were the most beautiful shade of seashell pink--I had seen this little guy before, but had never noticed that. He was enjoying the clover in the yard and looked adorable with a piece hanging from his mouth!

Supplies: Micron pen (PN) and Prismacolor colored pencils (Scholar quality)

5000 Miles

Sketching Sailor Jerry tattoo-inspired art this morning. I just love the look of that art style and the history behind it. 

The bird is a Swallow and some say that sailors would have this tattoo if they have sailed 5000 miles. I feel like in the past year I’ve been 5000 miles all without traveling anywhere. It’s been a tough year (or more) that’s for sure. 

Supplies: Fine point Sharpie, Reeves watercolor pencils, Derwent watercolor brushes (the kind that stores water inside them), brush tip watercolor markers (Tombow and Artist Loft brands).